Tuesday, February 15, 2011

As the title states...my current goal is to Take and Pass the LCSW exam in Texas.

I've composed some notes and wanna share with anyone who's on the same journey. I invite you to share your information with others here.  For those of you who have recently achieved the title of LCSW I invite you to share your stories and tips with the rest of us.
Classical (Freudian) Psychoanalysis
Personality Theory

Structure theory: structural component of Freud’s personally theory views the personality as having 3 structures (id, ego, and superego)
Id: present at birth and consists of person’s life ad death instincts, serve source psychic energy.
Life instincts =self-preservation and sexual gratification
Death instincts=destructive, aggressive aspects of personality
Id=pleasure principle/seeks immediate gratification of instinctual drives & needs to avoid tension

Ego: develops at about 6 months in response to id’s inability to gratify all its needs
Operates basis of reality principle: defers gratification of the id’s instincts until an appropriate object is available in reality and it employs secondary process thinking (characterized by realistic, rational thinking and planning)
Primary task: mediate the often conflicting demands of the id and reality and, once it has developed, the superego.
Superego: emerges when child 4-5 y-o and represents an internalization of society’s values and standards as conveyed to the child by parents through rewards and punishments.
Rewards=ego ideal punishment=conscience
In contrast to the ego, which postpones gratification of the id’s instinct, the superego attempts to permanently block the id’s socially-unacceptable drives.